Oh man, I just went to Allies swanky christmas party and wooh it was sooo swanky. Hella nice everything. I was impressed. I took pictures of this joyous occasion and I figured I would share them with the internets.

Moneka by far has the best hair in the entire world, the ornaments and decorations in it just make it like better x10

I guess this picture is slightly emo, Conor looked very handsome as my sister said.

We did this whole story and sat in a circle with pressents and everytime the word right or left was said we would pass the present to our left or to our right. Conor got a bunny rabbit! haha

This girl said she wanted to rap battle but she never followed through I ended up rap battling mark. I definitely took him down.

I think Dennis Lam got these and oh man, oh man. These used to be my favorite when I was like 7 years old I'd go into teddys and my dad would buy me some and then we'd go home and put them in hot water and I'd watch them expand. Basically, the best thing ever.

After that we decorated gingerbread cookies and I made some crazy faces. As for Leah, I hate her. She poured like POUNDS of frosting on this one cookie and told me to eat it, I didn't really care cause I had a little bite and it wasn't death. I put the whole thing in my mouth and I felt something watery. Leah asked me if I tasted anything weird and then it hit me. There was a little tomatoe inside all that frosting. It was fine for like a few seconds but then it really started to hit me, I started gagging and was like BLEH! so I just like ran to the bathroom and spit it out before I spit it out all over the carpet. This would be a good time to add in that I HATE tomatoes. I also HATE Leah.

When we had dinner everyone had little name tags on their plates, I was lucky enough to sit next to Allie (face with that funny tounge sticking out).

After all this Marc(Mark?) Lazlo and York decided to do egg nogg shots(non-alcoholic of course as we are too hardcore for that)

Mark downed 12

York then followed. They ended up doing 6 more because they like tied, then they tied again. Then Mark won and got some cocoa, lucky him!

Those weird pill things in action! Watch em go!

No swanky christmas party is complete without a few lines of frosting. Me and Allie did about 12, ultra hardcore at the least.
Yeah! Mucho fun! I hope it happens again in the near future.