Saturday, April 29, 2006

Can I have my Meringues Please?

Today at Trader Joes was truly a site to remember. I've always dreamed of something like this happening, and I admit I feared it too, but overall I'm glad it happened. Mostly because I can now tell EEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVERRRRRRYONEEEEEEEEEEEE.

A little background: There's this woman named Carol who always comes into Trader Joes and talks to the employees up to half an hour after we've closed. It seems like she tries to come in right before 9 so she can have the entire store to herself. I've only heard stories about this woman, but today I was apart of one.

I was standing up at the front of the store when I see her standing in front of me I ask her "May I help you?", trying to be the polite person I am. "Are there any meringues back there" she snaps back. I look around for a second and don't see any, I assumed she had them on hold so I told her to wait one second while I went on my magical mystery tour to find this lady's meringues.

I go back to the back and just look around for about 5 minutes until I realize they're definitely not there. I didn't want to make her think that I forgot about her so I went back up to the front to tell her I was still looking when I saw her talking with one of my managers with 5 boxes of meringues in her hands.

"Oh, did you find them?", I asked her. She looked a tiny bit annoyed, but I figured she would just say she found them and give the obligatory thanks anyways. Boy howdy was I wrong! "Yes I found them, no thanks to your idiocy" she said.


Now most would expect me to come back with some witty sort of comment, maybe the classic I know what you are, but what am I? Or maybe even takes one to know one. But I was giving all my effort into holding myself back from laughing out loud, or lol'ing if you will. Her back was turned though so me and my manager just looked each other and gave this look like "OH GOD THIS IS SO FUNNY BECAUSE SHE IS SO RUDE"

But really, what is wrong with the world? So unnecessary, but at the same time so funny. I told her that I tried and just left.

I wish things like this happened to me more often...oh well.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


It's 12:39 and I can't for the life of me fall asleep. I was so tired around 10 so I actually went to bed, but around 11 I woke up all sweaty and hot and gross. I got up and couldn't move around because there was so much crap in the room.

It was gross and I'm just like ugh ugh ugh claustraphobic ugh.

I try and not talk about my own goings on because I think we can all agree that it's so boring and uninteresting and the only reason anyone here is to hear some sweet sweet stories, but I think tonights an exception.

So of course...frickin' cg_v2.0!(coke girl version 2.0 for those of you who suck)She and I were going to hang out this weekend so I called her today to see if she wanted to go out tonight. She said she couldn't because she was going out with her family to do hardcore drugs or something, but that we'd hang out sunday at like 2:13. Now I don't know what it is, but for some odd reason I just feel like I'M IN! You know that feeling? Like I feel like this baby does basically....

Tommorow though I think some smooth moves will be layed down and trips to dark alleys will be had.


I went to walgreens, best buy, and 2 diffrent longs. None of them had it, the closest I got was a 70 dollar presentation remote that had a built in laser pointer and there's no way I'm buying that.


I'm just excited for cg_v2.0 that's about it. Hopefully all goes well.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Carrot Juice Constitutes Murder...

For the longest time I've told Catherine that I was going to make her a CD with a bunch of songs about meat. Now that spring break is upon us(and sadly nearly passed), I have plenty of time to do my song searching and cd making. Since I've made her wait so long though, I decided to go "all out" as they say and make a full cd cover and such. I thought it turned out ok for a midnight photoshop chop. Hopefully all goes well when I print it cause I just kinda guessed with the templates...eeek!

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I have to say though, a lot of songs that are about meat are country. Suprising! not really, but oh well.

I guess I should try and explain some of this though, because what fun would it be if I didn't? Anyways, because of Catherines "hate" for Ms. Allison Hughes, she's not a big fan of vegetarians either. We often joke about how we're going to go home and eat big slabs of bloody red meat and so on and so forth. Then one day the vegetarian club had a Meat Out day in which they gave the entire student body a free vegetarian lunch along with some peta stickers and some other stickers that said V for Vegetarian. So obviously this stems off of that and yeah blah blah blah the rest is history!

I admit the songs are kinda bleh, but my favorites have to be Eat Steak and Carrot Juice Constitutes Murder coming in at a close second. Gotta love meat!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

New Short

I'm so cool....

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Yarn, Yarn, Everywhere.


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I think we need more post-it notes....

All I can say is....

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