Wednesday, September 20, 2006


So I was talking to the great David Paris about his future plans. He's planning on moving around europe in the following year and said the only thing he would miss is the government. I whole heartedly agreed with him on this matter just because of the large amount of freedom that we have. I then backed this up with an anectdote that is as follows:

"man we got so much this morning, instead of using water, I just bathed in freedom"

And that is my story for the day. Hope you enjoyed it.

Note: This post is completley serious, there is no sarcasm whatsoever.

P.S. I like school. A lot.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mia Smells Like Drugs

She went to a concert and says there was lots of drugs and that's why. I don't believe her. She's not going again.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

West Side Story

So I'm just sitting there. Minding my own business, watching west side story. I just wanted a little bit of "I feel pretty, oh so pretty" and so on and so forth. Tony was falling in love with Maria and all was slightly well in the world. Then they had to have this rumble.

Now this is where I have to say WHAT THE HELL?

They have this rumble and Tony frickin' stabs Maria's brother! I didn't ask for this to happen, but it did! And now I'm just pissed. I expect lots of snapping and men doing ballet in the streets of New York to make up for this.

If I were Steven Colbert, I would put West Side Story on my "On Notice List" right now.
