Monday, October 31, 2005
Looks like I'm going trick or treating! I'm quite the excitedness, but I'm scared I might be cold, oh well. I think I need to get a bag though so I can keep all my goodies! haha
Friday, October 28, 2005
Tales of AP Computers
So this one time, last year. I was in programming, everyone one was just chilling doing whatever when kelvin shum who sits across the room from dennis lam yells out "DENNIS LAAAAM STOP LOOKING AT MALE PENISES" Dennis replyed with a "OH MY GODDDD YOU ARE GAYYY" It stopped at that.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
29 Frickin Drop
So there I am, trying to finish my first video gig thing ever. Now I expect a few bumps along the way, but wtf. I exported at least 3 diffrent versions of my final thing, one of which my father helped me with all this post audio crap. Everything was looking good! I put it into dvd studio pro and bang! The troubles hit. The entire thing was out of sync, all the audio just pushed a good 2 seconds foward. At this point I was like oh no big wow, we'll just slip sync it and be on our way. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We slip sync and as soon as it goes into frickin dvdsp it loses everything we did for some reason. I try just loading in the raw files and giving casey the finger, but now it started gradually going out of sync. My dad and I sat there on the couch thinking how it could have been because I filmed it with 24fps and captured it as 29.97 blah blah I go back half an hour later and just try it. OF COURSE IT FRICKIN WORKS. (insert quote here about how technology hates you and wants to eat your soul before you're 12). Basically it worked after me getting mad forever.
Thats all. I needed to get it off my chest and now its gotten off. Kthxbye
Thats all. I needed to get it off my chest and now its gotten off. Kthxbye
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I tried to tell Catherine this story twice today, but both times my story telling was foiled by the world. I figured I was going to tell the story to somebody today and who better to tell it to than the internet!
So this one time, a long time ago, I was taking a shower you know washing my hair looking nice and hot. I grab the conditioner and try and squirt some in my hand. Wtf? Nothing was coming out. I started shaking the bottle up and down and finally just held it over the shower and squeezed it as hard as I could, the conditioner went everywhere and I thought nothing of it and continued to wash my hair.
I got out of the shower and went on with my buisness until I hear my dad calling my name, "RYANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" He always yells my name so this time didn't seem any diffrent, but oh it was. As I came closer he started yelling at me to come clean up my splooge. Andrew, Mia, and Stuart were all crowded around the shower looking at me with this look on their face like "what have you done!" I looked down and just saw this huge puddle of white liquid (the conditioner) and realized what they took it for. I lol'ed and cleaned it up. Thats it.
So this one time, a long time ago, I was taking a shower you know washing my hair looking nice and hot. I grab the conditioner and try and squirt some in my hand. Wtf? Nothing was coming out. I started shaking the bottle up and down and finally just held it over the shower and squeezed it as hard as I could, the conditioner went everywhere and I thought nothing of it and continued to wash my hair.
I got out of the shower and went on with my buisness until I hear my dad calling my name, "RYANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" He always yells my name so this time didn't seem any diffrent, but oh it was. As I came closer he started yelling at me to come clean up my splooge. Andrew, Mia, and Stuart were all crowded around the shower looking at me with this look on their face like "what have you done!" I looked down and just saw this huge puddle of white liquid (the conditioner) and realized what they took it for. I lol'ed and cleaned it up. Thats it.
Monday, October 24, 2005
7.2 MB's of pure genius
Well, maybe something more like 7.1 because nothings perfect, especially when I did it. Anyways my "step brother" wanted me to help him with his school project in which he had to make a video about a knight who raped some girl and had to go on a quest to save himself. I just finished getting it all together and compressing the frick out of it so it would fit on here, so I hope you enjoy/hate it. Either would be nice.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Ultimate 80's Ending
thisMovie=80's ending?
//crap I dont know how to say this
//basically if the 80's were an ending this would be it
Also! Dont you just LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE compression artifacts!!! I DO!!
Is this Anime Club?
So this one time, today I was sitting at the Young Entrepaneurs Society meeting when I looked over at the door and look who I see, JEFFREY CHEUNG!He just stands there for a second and I can't help but laugh as he looked around the room.
"Anime Club? Is this anime club?" looking around Jeffrey leaned down and asked this asian kid
"Hey do you know where anime club is?" The kid looked at him kinda annoyed and was like "Hey! Just cause I'm asian doesn't mean I know where anime club is!"
"Oh" Jeffrey said, walking out of the room.
Thats pretty much it jeffrey couldn't find anime club. ::tear::
"Anime Club? Is this anime club?" looking around Jeffrey leaned down and asked this asian kid
"Hey do you know where anime club is?" The kid looked at him kinda annoyed and was like "Hey! Just cause I'm asian doesn't mean I know where anime club is!"
"Oh" Jeffrey said, walking out of the room.
Thats pretty much it jeffrey couldn't find anime club. ::tear::
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I can do the skateboard sometimes, only somtimes.

Funny story about this picture, when we were there and DJ was getting all set up there were all these little kids running around watching me skate. DJ had his camera in his hands and this lady looks at him a little weird and asks him "What are you taking pictures of?" like thinking he was taking pictures of the little kids or something, but he said "oh just him skateboarding" and she was like "oh ok" then we thought what it would be like if we took pictures of little kids. We figured it would have went something like this,
"What are you taking pictures of?"
"Oh just these little kids, if you wanna check them out you can always go to my website" DJ hands her a buisness card with the website
Thats about it.

Funny story about this picture, when we were there and DJ was getting all set up there were all these little kids running around watching me skate. DJ had his camera in his hands and this lady looks at him a little weird and asks him "What are you taking pictures of?" like thinking he was taking pictures of the little kids or something, but he said "oh just him skateboarding" and she was like "oh ok" then we thought what it would be like if we took pictures of little kids. We figured it would have went something like this,
"What are you taking pictures of?"
"Oh just these little kids, if you wanna check them out you can always go to my website" DJ hands her a buisness card with the website
Thats about it.
Looks Like You've Got Quite The Emergency
So this one time, yesterday. I was sitting at my computer minding my own buisness when my mom decided it was a good time to go to the bathroom. Apparently it was not because as she walked into the bathroom she found the toilet flooded with poo and other such excrements, disgusting. She started trying to unplug it with our little scraper thing until the poo overcame the scraper and it was dropped into the toilet bowl, at this point my mother and I realized something we were in deep shit now(LOL LOL OMG PUN INTENDED) She turned to me for rescue and told me to go to safeway and get her a plunger.
Walking down the aisles of safeway, I finally found the plunger after searching through racks upon racks of axe and tag bodysprays. Going up to the checkstand I realized something, I looked very VERY funny buying JUST a plunger because obviously something had gone horribly wrong for me. The lady in front of me noticed my problem and how little I had and let me go in front of her, usually I dont take these kind of offers because, well, its weird. This was a special circumstance though so I stepped ahead of her. The man ahead of me saw what I had and said "You can step ahead of me, it seems like you've got quite the emergency on your hands" and I was like "QUITE the emergency" all conor-esque and told the man thank you as I paid my 2.59 for the toilet plunger and headed on my way. Pretty frickin sweet.
Walking down the aisles of safeway, I finally found the plunger after searching through racks upon racks of axe and tag bodysprays. Going up to the checkstand I realized something, I looked very VERY funny buying JUST a plunger because obviously something had gone horribly wrong for me. The lady in front of me noticed my problem and how little I had and let me go in front of her, usually I dont take these kind of offers because, well, its weird. This was a special circumstance though so I stepped ahead of her. The man ahead of me saw what I had and said "You can step ahead of me, it seems like you've got quite the emergency on your hands" and I was like "QUITE the emergency" all conor-esque and told the man thank you as I paid my 2.59 for the toilet plunger and headed on my way. Pretty frickin sweet.