Monday, May 29, 2006

It's San Francisco, What Do You Expect?

Ah, Cinemasports. Always a source for good storys and this next one is no exception.

It all began on the day of May 13th, 2006. We had finished shooting our film about an unsuspecting kid who was turned to a bananna by the great Miguel Hidalgo! However, to make the great Miguel talk we had to record voice overs while we were editing. As we sat in the cafe we began to think what the best place would be to do it in. Outside? Too many cars. Inside the cafe? Too much chitter chatter. The bathroom? Perfect.

We start gathering up our gear, the camera, microphone, laptop, and various wires and cords and both head into the bathroom. Because of my great knowledge about recording audio I tell my friend Andy to take off his shirt(to drape it over his head to reduce ehoes). He does it without hesitation and then tells me to hold on a second while he goes over and turns out the light as it was connected to a fan and you can't have fans going while you're recording!

We finally get down to business and sit in the bathroom recording voice overs for 10-15 minutes or so. Finally we finish and gather up our stuff to try and finish our film before the ever approaching deadline.

As we walk out of the bathroom we see this woman who has been patiently waiting there this entire time only to find two teenage men walk out while one puts his shirt on and the other flicks back on the light.

I've never seen anyone look so uncomfortable in my entire life.

I later told this story to my father and he suggested that I should have told her, "Lady, it's San Francisco. What do you expect?".

Monday, May 22, 2006

Whats That!? Really?!

Ryan's now officially going to college. COOL!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Difficulty Of 3 Dimensions!

Oh what difficulty is to be had when you must craft a choo choo train in 3D!

It's hard. And frustrating. Why don't things like this just work good? I am angry.

Storys will be posted later tonight if I think of something wonderful. Bye!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Nice Hair!

10 years old, it's a nice age. You're not so innocent, but you still have that whole cute thing going on and in my case I had some awesome hair according to some guy.

I was in this resturant on grand ave where I was eating dinner with my family, when all of a sudden nature called. I had to go to the bathroom, bad. I asked the waiter where the bathroom was and he told me it was right through the bar and down the hall. I started my way over there navigating my way through the bar when this rather drunk man looked at me and pointed.

"hey man....nice hair", but he did one of those things where you snap your fingers and point like this...

I looked at him for a second and did the same snapping thing with the pointing, but replied with "right back atcha"

I was such a clever 10 year old.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Wiki Is the Way To Vigenere's Square

Ever since that da vinci code ruling where the judge hid a secret code about some english admiral I've wanted to put a code of my own in one of my school papers. Today I took the inititive and actually did it.

I had to write a gallery report, so I figured I'd use this encryption scheme that I had come across while looking at the da vinci code ruling. It was called Vigeneres Cipher. I'll just explain what I did and through that explain how the code works. I really wanted something that was hard to decipher though, but at the same time easy to someone who actually took the effort. To do this I hid a bunch of clues throughout diffrent parts of my paper. The first clue starts in my paper.

First I underlined the word strewn and put an endnote the endnote said "The line is the key that will unlock the door".

Then from there I began bolding letters, if you write them down they look pretty random, but it's a frickin' code so duh. The beginning though spells out Ryan Code just to follow the da vinci code ruling and to tell her that it's a code.

If you were to write out the other bolded letters it would spell out this...


At this point you're probably like Ryan, wtf, you have way too much free time. I know. You don't have to tell me.

In my notes I then hid the clue "The staple hides the secret". If you were to rip the pages apart and look at the corner of the second page it then says "Wiki is the way to Vigenere's Square". I had to give my teacher some sort of a break because it's doubtful she would even try. This was my attempt at hooking her in(will it work? Who knows).

So what does that seemingly random string of letters mean? Well the first step is to transpose the word strewn on top of it, so just write the word out until it fills up all the letters. You then get strewnstrewnstrewnstr. Then you get the table out.

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Now what you do is use the key(strewn) as the x axis and the code(etkpmkqzbpiytdjpguqup)as the x,y coordinate. If you go through each of the letters and find the y axis for all of them it will begin to spell something...

We should probably bring back the fact that me and my friend plastered the walls of PHS with signs that said MATTIX IS WATCHING YOU. With a giant picture of Mr. Mattix(see below)

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So what's more appropriate than MATTIX IS STILL WATCHING

fun ain't it?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Wooooo, I'm Having a Good Time

I don't know where it comes from, but I remember seeing in some movie or television show some character was obviously not having a good time so they waved their arms around and said in a monotone voice "I'm having a good time". If Conor were here he would say that they were obviously being facetious(dear god I hope I used that word right).

Anyways, it all started out as a harmless saturday night. Scott and I were driving around looking to cause trouble as usual when we see our good friend Neil Goodhue! NG begins to yell at us about how he has "THE SITH LORD!!!!!" over and over and he seems to be carrying a giant cardboard cut out of none other than "the sith lord". He comes up to our car and tells us how him and his friends are all ridiculously faded and that they're excited to be dressed in full 80's attire.(they had on blazers and acid washed jeans, not sure if that qualifies as 80's, but it seemed to work). NG soon convinced scott to give him a ride up to someones house who was having a party, we agreed to meet him up at some guys house a few blocks away for some reason and pick him up there.

Truth of the matter is we didn't know where the guys house was so we just ended up picking NG and his friends up as they were getting rid of the sith lord. What they decided to do with it is prop it up against the passenger side window of a car so when the person got in they would look over and see emperor palpatine staring them down and hopefully get freaked out or something.

To really appreciate it I think you need a picture. The sith lord is below.

Now that was the good part, things got pretty depressing pretty quickly after that. We all piled in the car and went up to this girls house. From first glances things didn't look too out of control, people were obviously drinking and smoking, but was I to expect anything diffrent? Me and scott broke away from NG and his friends and kinda went on our own from here. We went in the house and it was just filled with people. I had a hard time moving across the living room let alone a few feet.

We hung out for a while and I talked with a few friends of mine when I saw this man walk into the kitchen. He didn't really seem to fit the rest of the group as he was like 50, balding, and had gray hair. Then it hit me, it was the girls dad.

Now I'm not one to tell anyone how to raise their kids, but if this isn't an example of bad parenting I don't know what is. Like what is this guy thinking? Why would allow something like this to go on in your house? Sure it's fun(to some people), but it doesn't seem like it would be much fun after you find out you've been pillaged by some kids who thought they were being hella tight.

Sure people said there wasn't supposed to be alcohol/drugs in the house, but who was that going to stop? I saw so many people just walking around drinking beers and stuff, you'd think he'd at least see that and at least think "wtf".

I'm not even sure what I'm saying except why is this fun to people? If you're going to go smoke or drink why would you even try and do it in an environment like that?

The whole thing was just kinda boring to me, the only funny part was when she told everyone that if she didn't know you that you should leave. When she said that everyone began to sing to her happy birthday. Her name was obviously garbled as I don't think many people knew...

Oh well, me and scott tried to pick up the sith lord later and set it up somewhere funny at school. But while getting it into the car we ruined hoo.

This post sucks. I'm basically expecting tl;dr.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

He's Watching....

I wish I had pictures, but me and my friend just went to the school at around 11 o clock and put up over 400 posters that say MATTIX IS WATCHING YOU. We covered all the bulletin boards and basically everywhere where we could stick a staple. Some people walked by as we were putting them up and we just kept going. They kinda looked at us for a second, but then just left. It was pretty awkward.

Well, since I don't think anyone reads this but conor I hope you enjoyed it!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What Would They Do Without Them?

I'm wondering like without the Bush administration, what would people like John stewart and Steven Colbert do? I mean I guess politicians are always doing funny things, but I'm sure the number of funny things would go down like a rock if they weren't in power.

Just sayin' ya know?


Look here!

I was looking at slashdot when I saw that they had something on this company that my dad worked for. Doesn't really matter that they called it a dud cause I thought it was pretty sweet...

That's all.

What Can You Do With a Mac Virus?

I was reading slashdot when I came across this laugh out loud comment on apples new "Macs are so much sweeter than PCs" ads. They talked about viruses briefly and someone commented that there had been a few mac viruses in the past five years, but the problem is as soon as it gets to a PC it stops so there's no real userbase for it. However, (the funny part) you could probably take out a small art school or advertising agency.

Oh gosh I'm so cool.