Wiki Is the Way To Vigenere's Square
Ever since that da vinci code ruling where the judge hid a secret code about some english admiral I've wanted to put a code of my own in one of my school papers. Today I took the inititive and actually did it.
I had to write a gallery report, so I figured I'd use this encryption scheme that I had come across while looking at the da vinci code ruling. It was called Vigeneres Cipher. I'll just explain what I did and through that explain how the code works. I really wanted something that was hard to decipher though, but at the same time easy to someone who actually took the effort. To do this I hid a bunch of clues throughout diffrent parts of my paper. The first clue starts in my paper.
First I underlined the word strewn and put an endnote the endnote said "The line is the key that will unlock the door".
Then from there I began bolding letters, if you write them down they look pretty random, but it's a frickin' code so duh. The beginning though spells out Ryan Code just to follow the da vinci code ruling and to tell her that it's a code.
If you were to write out the other bolded letters it would spell out this...
At this point you're probably like Ryan, wtf, you have way too much free time. I know. You don't have to tell me.
In my notes I then hid the clue "The staple hides the secret". If you were to rip the pages apart and look at the corner of the second page it then says "Wiki is the way to Vigenere's Square". I had to give my teacher some sort of a break because it's doubtful she would even try. This was my attempt at hooking her in(will it work? Who knows).
So what does that seemingly random string of letters mean? Well the first step is to transpose the word strewn on top of it, so just write the word out until it fills up all the letters. You then get strewnstrewnstrewnstr. Then you get the table out.

Now what you do is use the key(strewn) as the x axis and the code(etkpmkqzbpiytdjpguqup)as the x,y coordinate. If you go through each of the letters and find the y axis for all of them it will begin to spell something...
We should probably bring back the fact that me and my friend plastered the walls of PHS with signs that said MATTIX IS WATCHING YOU. With a giant picture of Mr. Mattix(see below)

So what's more appropriate than MATTIX IS STILL WATCHING
fun ain't it?
I had to write a gallery report, so I figured I'd use this encryption scheme that I had come across while looking at the da vinci code ruling. It was called Vigeneres Cipher. I'll just explain what I did and through that explain how the code works. I really wanted something that was hard to decipher though, but at the same time easy to someone who actually took the effort. To do this I hid a bunch of clues throughout diffrent parts of my paper. The first clue starts in my paper.
First I underlined the word strewn and put an endnote the endnote said "The line is the key that will unlock the door".
Then from there I began bolding letters, if you write them down they look pretty random, but it's a frickin' code so duh. The beginning though spells out Ryan Code just to follow the da vinci code ruling and to tell her that it's a code.
If you were to write out the other bolded letters it would spell out this...
At this point you're probably like Ryan, wtf, you have way too much free time. I know. You don't have to tell me.
In my notes I then hid the clue "The staple hides the secret". If you were to rip the pages apart and look at the corner of the second page it then says "Wiki is the way to Vigenere's Square". I had to give my teacher some sort of a break because it's doubtful she would even try. This was my attempt at hooking her in(will it work? Who knows).
So what does that seemingly random string of letters mean? Well the first step is to transpose the word strewn on top of it, so just write the word out until it fills up all the letters. You then get strewnstrewnstrewnstr. Then you get the table out.

Now what you do is use the key(strewn) as the x axis and the code(etkpmkqzbpiytdjpguqup)as the x,y coordinate. If you go through each of the letters and find the y axis for all of them it will begin to spell something...
We should probably bring back the fact that me and my friend plastered the walls of PHS with signs that said MATTIX IS WATCHING YOU. With a giant picture of Mr. Mattix(see below)

So what's more appropriate than MATTIX IS STILL WATCHING
fun ain't it?
This is the most bizarre thing I've ever read. But funny! Post an update and let us know if your teacher cracked the code...
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