I went to this protest in San Francisco today and I must say it was quite the experience. I got up what I thought was late and like went hecka quick to the bart station only to find that andrew was running behind. I sat there for a while and read the paper, pretty sweet. They got there and andrew had forgotten his backpack on the train (idiot!) we sat around for a while then finally decided to just go.
When we got to the city I was really expecting more people because I really saw NO ONE there like with signs or anything, we had to wait for andrew and a few of his friends who had stayed behind though and as they came in I saw where all those people were. The train that they were on was just filled with people all carying signs and megaphones and such.
Dang, then we went to listen to this ralley and Rob Roth or whatever from channel 2 news interviewed me and apparently I was just on the news. sweet. I'm sure they'll put it on again at 10, hopefully none of my teachers will see haha. I forget what I said but it was pretty sweet.
I definitely saw hella people with like FX-1's and XL2's and like VX2100's oh man it was like jizz fest 2005.
I saw Eric Perman because he was like helping with the whole event and he said he didn't see anybody from piedmont either : (. I tried to get people to come but no one really seemed like they wanted to. I got a button though! It has a picture of George Bush pointing to his head and it says "no intel inside". I'm going to put it on my backpack!
We watched cindy sheehan speak as well as a bunch of other people and it was kinda cool getting to see her. After this all ended we went and started to march down some street.
At first it was kinda weird because I had never really done anything like this before, but I guess I kinda got into it. It was pretty fun walking around yelling stuff, embarrassing, but fun. As we passed by the Chronicle building everyone started yelling media lies cost millions of lies and then someone like threw some sort of fire thing at the building and like it sorta caught on fire, but went out pretty quickly. The guy that was like leading every was like "not cool guys, not cool" As much as I didn't wanna see someone like die, it was pretty sweet like seeing fire cause its like FIRE! all bevis and butthead style.
Oooooooh and I saw this guy that works at trader joes and we slapped hands and all that and he was like I'm glad to see you here man and I was like yeah! It was pretty cool.
People chanted for a while I joined in, I tried to chant in espaƱol but I had trouble really keeping up/understanding what the heck they were saying. I watched people lay down in the middle of the street trying to block traffic and it was hekka chill. People also stuck their heads out their windows and were like yeah! you're cool! We Yelled back and were like yeah! We know!
Now my dad and his girlfriend were going to go, but they were like yeah we dont think we're like physically fit to do it. It wasn't until I walked all that way that I realized what they were talking about, HOLY CRAP! My back and feet were killing me so bad after walking in the hugest frickin circle ever.
So we walked that circle and ended up saying "hey lets go to burger king!" as we walked over to burger king when all of a sudden we just see these police officers in riot gear just start rushing this group of people. I saw Eric again and he was like "Yeah man, now is not a good time to be here" what had happened was some people tried to block off the intersection or something and so the cops started doing the whole zip tie thing to everyone, we decided to stay away and just went inside the burger king.
I ate food and it was oh so tasty. After that we went home and that was pretty much it.
Overall, I had a pretty good day. The next protest they have I think I'm going to go and bring my camera so I can try and make a little montage type thing to be sweet. I got pictures, but I wont have them until this weekend or something. Thats all for now, maybe look for me on the news at 10! haha