Pictures Anyone?
As promised earlier, here are a few of the pictures I took at that protest in SF with the occasional funny caption.

Basically, I dunno. We went here when we first got there.

Then we saw some funny signs.

Cindy Sheehan came, she said whats up. You know, the usual. Lol. Check out the guy with the portbrace! omg!!

Flags flapped in the breeze.

More funny signs followed.

We had printed out signs and we held them up. I decided to take a picture of one. I agree this sign is somewhat "gay" or dumb. I would have had it rather say something like "Dont misunderestimate us." or something to that likening.

People began lying down in the streets because they felt it necessary.

More people came out of their homes and cheered us on.

Some guy thought it was about time to throw molitov cocktails, so he did.

The police were like omgwtf?

We were like whatever its all good, that guy was just kinda dumb. We kept walking.

More people came out and looked at us, we said hi.
All in all I think this man got our point across the best.

Basically, I dunno. We went here when we first got there.

Then we saw some funny signs.

Cindy Sheehan came, she said whats up. You know, the usual. Lol. Check out the guy with the portbrace! omg!!

Flags flapped in the breeze.

More funny signs followed.

We had printed out signs and we held them up. I decided to take a picture of one. I agree this sign is somewhat "gay" or dumb. I would have had it rather say something like "Dont misunderestimate us." or something to that likening.

People began lying down in the streets because they felt it necessary.

More people came out of their homes and cheered us on.

Some guy thought it was about time to throw molitov cocktails, so he did.

The police were like omgwtf?

We were like whatever its all good, that guy was just kinda dumb. We kept walking.

More people came out and looked at us, we said hi.
All in all I think this man got our point across the best.

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