So I finally got the courage up to ask cg_v2.0(coke girl version 2.0) if she wanted to hang out. Of course I opted for fro yo as that's always a fun thing to do. I called her on saturday and we finally decided that we'd meet up around 1:30.
It was 1:00 so I started getting ready. I took a shower, did all that fun junk, but as I was getting dressed I realized something.
I didn't have any pants.
What the hell. I had had pajama pants on and I joked with her already about how we should all wear pajama pants down to piedmont ave. Ironic that it might actually end up happening.
Then I remembered my mom had taken ALL my pants to wash them at my grandmas house(in san leandro) and she wasn't coming back for a LONG time.
I just sat there for a second thinking "crap, crap, crap", but I figured I couldn't pass up an opprotunity like this.
I called her and told her all I had was pajama pants. She laughed and yeah that was it, we went down there all the while making fun of my pajama pants and how they had snowflakes on them. Lucky for me I didn't have to wear the ones with skiing reindeer or polar bears on them.
All in all, it was pretty good. Suprisingly good considering what I had to overcome and the expectations of many awkward silences. mmmmmm cg_v2.0