Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ms. Georgeson Made Him Do It!

So everyone remembers my post about how some 40 year old stockbroker peered over my back while I was trying to go pee, right?

Well the other day we had a few members of ASB come into our classroom to talk to us about the fire that we just recently had at our school. One of the girls, who we'll call Rebecca, started off by saying that some people didn't feel safe anymore(what the christ!?!??)So they were like, "Hey, what if we put cameras up around the school, like in front of the bathrooms. Would that make you feel safer?" I raised my hand and was like uh no thats just beating around the bush and not solving the real problem at hand, then I went on to talk about how it would be just like winter ball where I have this guy peering over my shoulder to make sure I'm not drinking. Some kid in my class looked up and asked Rebecca "haha wasn't that your dad!" Rebecca started laughing, I did too, so did the entire class. She tried to somewhat redeem herself by saying Ms. Georgeson made him do it! and I laughed. Oh 50 year old stockbrokers, what would my life be without you?


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